Cows in Providence Canyon

Colors and cows

The Ripmo and I love to play in the Fall colors. We don’t like to end up covered in bovine excrement. The trail wrecking crew is back in Providence Canyon, but luckily they have confined themselves to one section of shade and grass. Here’s to hoping they really like that spot and leave the rest of the trail free of flying cow pies. The ride

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Fall colors in Green Canyon

Visual Gluttony

If viewing colors counts as consumption then my favorite sin is gluttony. The colors of Green canyon overwhelm the senses and leave you soaked in pure visual bliss. I love Autumn. My descents are much slower since I’m constantly distracted and braking to take another photo. The Ripmo gets a bit impatient, but a few times a year we can slow down and take in

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How high can you go before you Fall?

I was out in Portland this last weekend and so the Ripmo spent several days sitting in the garage. It was bored and required some alone time together so we headed up Providence Canyon to drink in the colors of Autumn. I usually just ride the trail, but today, for the sake of the view, I chose to climb to the quarry. The ascent only

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Autumn leaves in Providence Canyon

This is the way grasshopper

As the summer ends there are so many grasshoppers wandering the hills. They are funny to watch. They can kind of fly. Not well, but they can. Today I had one fly right alongside me for about 100 feet. I didn’t know they could even manage a straight line. For a moment I was one with the grasshopper. The Ripmo was entertained and preoccupied with

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Stupid weather predicted rain all day so I rode the trainer. Turned out to be pretty perfect but my body was shot and my time short by the time I realized the conditions would be awesome. The ride – Zwift The bike – Trek Madone 6.9