Ibis Ripmo V2

We don’t always get along but this bike is a beast. It climbs like a goat, descents like the devil and wanders like a drunk.

New Ibis Ripmo V2
The Ibis Ripmo V2 is a pure work of art

My first interaction with the Ripmo was not awesome but we’re learning to get along.

Latest ventures with the Ibis Ripmo

  • Misty mountain morning meditation
    A morning canopy of clouds cooled the air and produced a few rain drops that struggled to calm the dust. This was just a quick run up Green Canyon to the wilderness boundary. All the creek crossings are dry. The dirt is dry. The dust is dry. Any tears from the heavens would be welcome to help cement the rocks and dust back into the

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  • Rock and roll, slip and slide, the dust of summer is here to stay
    The trails are dry and dusty with the rocks rolling free. I also found myself rolling free and sliding all over the place. Trail conditions dramatically affect the ride experience. I found that I need to use a bit more caution in spots I used to take for granted. The ride – Paradise, Utah The bike – TIME VRS Fluidity
  • Building bridges
    Providence City was giving the road up Providence Canyon a fresh coat of something nasty that is mean to hold down the dust. I didn’t feel like riding through whatever the stuff is so I took the round about route down the Bonneville shoreline trail. Lucky for me the gate right at the mouth of the canyon was closed with multiple padlocks. That added a

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  • Crank brothers you have failed me again
    I’ve lost count of the number of Egg Beaters I’ve replaced. I noticed my left pedal was making some strange noises on the descent but I assumed it was due to the loose rock flipping up and banging against the Ripmo. I was wrong. I flew off a rock and upon landing the platform detached from the spindle. This was not my first Egg Beater

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  • Surfing the moon dust
    Moon dust covered both trail and sky. If it wasn’t brown you would be forgiven for thinking the forest was on fire. Devin and I both came home caked in a light mud made from a mixture of sweat and infinity small particles of trail. The creek in Green Canyon has run dry but the thick greenery provides ample defense from the stinging rays of

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  • A river runs through it
    The water is still flowing free in Providence Canyon. It usually would have dried up by now. The flies are thick thanks to plenty of cow manure and it is getting hot fast. The dropped post on the Ripmo randomly stopped working mid-ride then started working again then stopped again. I thought it was the battery but a replacement doesn’t seem to help. I’m a

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  • Going bi-directional
    The Juniper Jardine trail is a magical summer ride. Everyone thinks so because everyone was there this morning. I rode clockwise out of habit and because riding the top loop clockwise means more shade during the climbing bit. I crossed paths with someone going the other way and wondered what I was missing so I also rode it counter-clockwise. I freed from my usual habits.

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  • The cows are gone but their memory remains
    Dev and I braved the summer heat for a quick visit to Providence Canyon. The scars and fertilizer from a couple of weeks of our bovine friends remain but the canyon heals pretty quickly. The ride – Providence Canyon, Utah The bike – Ripmo
  • Happy Independence Day!
    Took a super short ride up Providence Canyon before the festivities of the day begin. The cows are gone. I will celebrate independence from being splattered with poop. The ride – Providence Canyon, Utah The bike – Ripmo
  • Getting High on Millville
    There are rides where every mile is a painful argument with your legs to just get to the next mile. These rides you want to be over. Then there are the rides where legs and heart and mind are in sync and you can’t wait to see what’s just around the next corner or just on top of the next ridge. This ride was the

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  • Give me a home where the cows do not roam.
    .With Providence Canyon infested by cows and the Ripmo feeling lonesome in the garage we had to find some dirt. We selected Green Canyon. Everyone else in the valley did too. We encountered high way levels of traffic on the climb up. The creek crossings kept us plenty cool and wet and muddy. The ride – Green Canyon The bike – Ripmo
  • Going to ride a trail to see a tree
    Don’t get me wrong. I love this tree. I really love the trail that leads up to it. I love the cool mountain mornings that provide the perfect atmosphere for the ride. Juniper Jardine is a great way to get high. The ride – Jardine Juniper Trail The bike – Ripmo