Providence Canyon Jump over the creek

Time in Providence is a good time

I had intended to take the Bianchi out but the new treads are too wide and rubbing the frame. I hate to see it lose any of that beautiful celeste paint so we’re going in for a new tire. I switched to the Ripmo intending on riding the shore line trail. The day worn on. I had to get gas for the lawn mower and

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Providence Canyon Big Rock

Someone replaced all the rocks with potholes

The Ripmo did not like spending a rainy weekend in the garage and insisted that we spend some Spring time riding together. One does not deny the Ripmo its wishes. We found a few potholes in place of rocks that have been there for years. We pondered why all the hatred for the boulders and felt a little bad we had taken them for granite.

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Ibis Ripmo in Providence Snow

Dirt dinner for Earth Day

The Ripmo, sick with cabin fever and winter time neglect convinced me that Providence Canyon was finally dry enough to ride and I succumbed to its temptation. I hauled my eldest son up with me which is exciting because he is finally strong enough to suffer alongside me. Snow and mud ensured our Ibis steeds and their riders came home in need of cleansing. No

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