Jardine Juniper Trail

  • Going bi-directional
    The Juniper Jardine trail is a magical summer ride. Everyone thinks so because everyone was there this morning. I rode clockwise out of habit and because riding the top loop clockwise means more shade during the climbing bit. I crossed paths with someone going the other way and wondered what I was missing so I also rode it counter-clockwise. I freed from my usual habits.

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  • Going to ride a trail to see a tree
    Don’t get me wrong. I love this tree. I really love the trail that leads up to it. I love the cool mountain mornings that provide the perfect atmosphere for the ride. Juniper Jardine is a great way to get high. The ride – Jardine Juniper Trail The bike – Ripmo
  • So Many Colors
    The Jardine Juniper called to me in a dream. The Ripmo heard it too. Perfect temperatures and deep blue skies justified the timing. An explosion of Autumn colors across the mountains left me as breathless as the climb. The loose rubble kept the Ripmo busy chewing and spitting, flinging rocks and picking up the occasional pine cone. We both had a great time. The ride

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  • Mourning with the Parrotheads
    I became a big Jimmy Buffet fan in my teens. With his passing this last week the Ripmo and I spent today’s climb enjoying his music and spirit. The ride – Jardine Juniper Trail The bike – Ibis Ripmo
  • A loop so nice you gotta ride it twice
    Imagine your favorite botanical garden. Put it up in the mountains and cut a mountain bike trail through it and you have Jardine Juniper. The ride – Jardine Juniper The bike – Ibis Ripmo
  • Hanging out with Dev
    First ride up Jardine Juniper. Devin’s first time riding it. The wildflowers were in full bloom. The ride – Jardine Juniper The bike – Ibis Ripmo
  • No time for The Tree
    Just enough time to soak in the colors. I had to get home for a family thing so I skipped the Juniper this time. The ride – Jardine Juniper The bike – Ibis Ripmo
  • Yellow and purple polka dots
    I would have guessed heat and drought would have killed off all the wildflowers. Jardine Juniper proves just how resilient nature’s beauty can be. The ride – Jardine Juniper The bike – Ibis Ripmo
  • Just Me
    The Ripmo requested a change of scenery and it’s been a while since we’ve seen the ancient Jardine Juniper. The parking lot was empty which meant we had the mountain to ourselves. The morning chill didn’t last long. The climb, the heavy breathing and the sweat start at the parking lot. The Ripmo was feeling spry together we held a decent pace in spite of

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  • What else are ya gonna do with a Saturday
    OK, so the answer is go to Bear Lake and paddle board but the morning was open so I took the drive up Logan Canyon to enjoy the spectacular nature of the Jardine Juniper trail. I love the ride. It lacks the playfulness of Providence Canyon but makes up for it with unrivaled views. It takes as much time to drive to it as to

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  • Who let the drunk guy drive the trail machine
    Beautiful Friday morning ride up Jardine Juniper. The start of the trail trail is a bit of chaos at the start while they move things around. It can be a bit of a challenge to figure out which path to choose but if you still to the newly cut dirt you should be good. The climb is just as awesome and beautiful as always. The

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  • Greatest show on earth
    The perfect day to ride the perfect trail. The temperature couldn’t have been better. The Ripmo couldn’t have ridden better. The colors couldn’t have been more spectacular. Welcome to the greatest show on earth where the price of admission is the lungs and quads to make the climb. The ride – Jardine Juniper