Once upon a time Many years ago I had a Garmin. One morning I went to ride and it was gone. I still have no idea where I lost it. I was sure one day it would just turn up but time passed and I rode ignorant of speed, cadence or any any other of the myriad of stats the Garmin collects.
My wife took pity on me and for Christmas one year she bought me a Garmin 810. It worked perfectly as I attempted and failed KOM after KOM on Strava. It worked flawlessly with my Power Tap hub. It’s one of those thing you are aware of but take for granted.
Turns out I took it too much for granted. I was riding Wayne’s World with my boys one day. I was in a hurry and while helping them load bikes and gather their water bottles and helmets and stuff I set my Garmin 810 on the tailgate of my truck. Then I drove off.
The next day when I went to ride I couldn’t find my Garmin. At that point I realized what I had done. I went back to Wayne’s but to no avail. The Garmin was gone.
I spent a few weeks riding blind once again blissfully ignorant of my speed, power, etc. In the mean time my son had grown and I found myself at Al’s looking for a mountain bike for my son.
There in the wall sat all the Garmins. I knew it was time to subject myself to measurement again. Normally I’m a serious victim of FOMO and I end up paying way too much as I talk myself into higher and higher features. “What if I’m riding the Alps some day.” Since I was buying a bike for my son I ignored that voice and elected to go cheaper and picked up a 530 instead of an 830.

Garmin in the mountains