That’s no Stick

It was a snake. It looked just like a stick until the Ripmo almost crushed it and it slithered for its life. My brain sees every root or fallen stick as a snake so I’ve spent a bunch of time training myself to not see snakes. When everything is a snake my poor heart can’t take the stress. Ironically, right after telling myself it wasn’t

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Choose Wisely

Later today we’re headed to southern Utah to take my daughter to college. I couldn’t resist pausing for a photo of this fork that I’ve ridden hundreds of times. This time it made me pause to think about the choices I’ve made at the forks in my life and about the decisions ahead of her. In other news it doesn’t matter which path you choose

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Providence Canyon

Wasps Not Welcome

The Ripmo has been sitting idle since our quick trip to Yellowstone. An idle Ripmo is a grouchy Ripmo and so in spite of the blazing sun we went out for a reconciliation ride. We were mostly good except for my burning quads which were unable to drive the bike to its full potential. On our second loop a wasp caught a ride on the

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Looking out from Providence Canyon

Rain Delays and Sliced Sidewalls.

The weather showed rain so I was going to sleep in. The rain didn’t come but I woke up before 7 to cloud filled skies. I decided since the water wasn’t falling I would chance. Then as I got on my bike to head down the driveway drops fell from the sky and I slunk back to the basement to work and wait out the

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Providence Canyon Trail

Treasure Hunting Money Dirt

The moondust and marble ridden trails have missed the rain. With the blessed return of a bit of H2O my hope in money dirt led me to a late morning ride with the Ripmo. With the dust tightened down to the trail and nary a puddle or bog in sight the quest to find ideal riding conditions was declared a successful venture. The ride –

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Sun over Providence

There’s Always Room for One More

We’re headed to the Tetons today. I considered just sleeping in but I couldn’t do it. I had about an hour and when I push it on Providence Canyon I can do a ride in about an hour. With that goal in mind I rushed to get ready and made it out of the house in record time. I hit the top right around 51:30

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