Stayin’ frosty
I had time and the road up to the top of the quarry was rideable. I made it to the waterfall where the views are crisp and spectacular this time of the year. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
Get Off My Trail
I had time and the road up to the top of the quarry was rideable. I made it to the waterfall where the views are crisp and spectacular this time of the year. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
Checking boxes and staying hot and sweaty inside. The ride – Zwift The bike – Trek Madone (Trainer)
Coast to Coast Zwift is some of the most miles I ride. The ride – Zwift The bike – Trek Madone (Trainer)
Another day another virtual climb. The ride – Zwift The bike – Trek Madone (Trainer)
Basement grinding on the trainer. The ride – Zwift The bike – Trek Madone (Trainer)
Not a lot of snow yet but Providence is rideable all the same. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
Providence Canyon was in perfect condition and the road to the Quarry was nicely groomed so I beat up my legs and climbed and climbed and sweated and sweated like it was the middle of summer. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
The temperature was ideal. The snow was ideal. The ride was as ideal. The road up the canyon had been groomed for snowmobiling and was perfect for climbing all the way up to the waterfall. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
I don’t get out in the snow nearly enough. Providence Canyon was pretty perfect. The top had be chewed up by a snow machine but I think that was in preparation for some proper grooming. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Salsa Beargrease
I haven’t been out as much this year as I would like but I managed to sneak away into the canyon. Yes, it is freeze your limbs off cold but it’s also so extraordinarily beautiful that you forget the pain of the frost bite. The ride – Providence Canyon. The bike – Salsa Beargrease.