Chip Seal. Ruinous Curse From Satan.

My connection between Nibley and Hyrum has been totally ruined by the road ruiners who dump tar and loose rock all over the road in the name of “maintenance”. What we get are crappy gravel roads that shatter windshields, chip paint and ruin otherwise perfect bike rides. May the shame of these terrible practices haunt all those who continued this cursed disgrace while they rot

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Blacksmith Fork Canyon Utah

Paradise, Powerplant, Providence

Covering all the Ps this morning. I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold lately and was worried about freezing. Turns out it was a perfect temperature. I need to learn that Apple Weather is filled with lies. When the sun is out it is plenty warm even if my phone tells me the temperature is in the 50s. I ran into an invisible

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Blacksmith Fork Canyon above the dam. Asphalt road stretching deeper into the canyon with water on the right, blue skies and mountains rising on both sides

What a Place!

Praying as I pedal that this not be the path on which I pass I am particular about picking a path vacant of the petroleum powered population conveyors that power people from point to point out here in Paradise. I pass ponies and pastures. A phone call, Shimano will warranty my cassette but the parts cannot arrive by parcel until July is past and August

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