The wind giveth and the wind taketh away. Usually it takes away all my speed and gives me a lot of grief and agony. Last night the air was thick with smoke but the wind was blowing. This morning the wind giveth us cleaner air so we can be friends. It’s nice to ride and not gasp and cough.

After a road ride on the Time VRS Fluidity I had to readjust my brain. I really felt the wheel slop on the Ripmo felt front end this morning to the point of swearing I would sell it if it didn’t start behaving. It takes a few rounds but we learn to get along and the technical capabilities of the bike start to shine through and all is forgiven.
At the top we encountered a pack of chihuahuas loosely accompanied by a pack of people. They had brought along a French bulldog to keep the herd moving. The chihuahuas barely noticed me but the bulldog thought I looked like a yummy chew toy. The Ripmo growled and scared him off as we went screaming down. It was quite a site to behold but out of respect for the chihuahuas’ privacy I didn’t take any photos.

The ride – Providence Canyon