Rattlesnake on the Logan River Trail

Snake, rattle and roll

I woke up this morning and thought, “I would really like to beat my brains out against the rocks,” so the Bianchi and I headed to the Logan River trail. It’s so pretty and also covered in loose rock. Today there was lots of new and rather large rock and I wondered if I had missed an earthquake over the weekend. I ended the dirt

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The family that rides together

The cold weather is coming and the kids are back in school. We have to get out every chance we get. My bike was already in the truck and I was geared up. Opportunities for all of us to get out are rare and so even though the ride was short I’ll take the win. The ride – Logan River Trail The bike – Ibis

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Creek flowing down Spring Hollow

The gates of Shangri-La

Logan Canyon is a beautiful place that hides a lot of small beautiful places. To get to those beautiful places requires passing two tests. First, the dragon awaits the adventurer. Push hard past the dragon’s breath and you will be rewarded. Second, while facing the dragon’s breath you must climb through moon dust and marbles. Crest the hill and you shall pass the gates into

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Going full tourist

I’ve been watching the rides of a bunch of my Strava acquaintances. They are all in France riding all the amazing segments of the Tour de France – past and present. It looks amazing and it’s easy to be jealous. Someday I will follow in their footsteps and climb all the lung busted roads of the Pyrenees. Until that day comes I have to remind

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