Another Dam Ride
Nothing is prettier than Logan canyon in the morning. Except my wife. Of course I meant to say not prettier then my wife. The ride – Logan River Trail The bike – Bianchi Cavaria
Get Off My Trail
Nothing is prettier than Logan canyon in the morning. Except my wife. Of course I meant to say not prettier then my wife. The ride – Logan River Trail The bike – Bianchi Cavaria
The Ripmo requested a change of scenery and it’s been a while since we’ve seen the ancient Jardine Juniper. The parking lot was empty which meant we had the mountain to ourselves. The morning chill didn’t last long. The climb, the heavy breathing and the sweat start at the parking lot. The Ripmo was feeling spry together we held a decent pace in spite of
Another morning in Green Canyon after a weekend of some rain. Green holds onto water much better than Providence. Pretty sure that’s why it’s called Green Canyon. The sun was shining at the mouth but fell behind the hill as I climbed – it’s the way the Canyon is shaped and it meant that I would climb to the top without the sun in the
Green Canyon earns it’s name. Even this late in the year there are still clusters of wildflowers that brighten up the ride. The Ripmo is not amused if I stop and smell the wildflowers so we compromise and I take a quick photo here and there. It’s only 15 minutes from my house but 15 out and 15 back is 30 minutes I could be
The Ripmo has been sitting idle since our quick trip to Yellowstone. An idle Ripmo is a grouchy Ripmo and so in spite of the blazing sun we went out for a reconciliation ride. We were mostly good except for my burning quads which were unable to drive the bike to its full potential. On our second loop a wasp caught a ride on the
Sleeping late is the theme of my summer. Staying in bed a little longer is nice. Sweating buckets in the extreme heat is not. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Ibis Ripmo
Just two loops on Providence today. I was lazy and short on time and I’m sure I could pull out more excuses. There’s an old log right at the end of the trail where it looks like a new bee hive is forming. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Ibis Ripmo
The weather showed rain so I was going to sleep in. The rain didn’t come but I woke up before 7 to cloud filled skies. I decided since the water wasn’t falling I would chance. Then as I got on my bike to head down the driveway drops fell from the sky and I slunk back to the basement to work and wait out the
Wow I had no power and no energy and it shows. At least the scenery was pretty. The ride – Providence Canyon The bike – Ibis Ripmo
The moondust and marble ridden trails have missed the rain. With the blessed return of a bit of H2O my hope in money dirt led me to a late morning ride with the Ripmo. With the dust tightened down to the trail and nary a puddle or bog in sight the quest to find ideal riding conditions was declared a successful venture. The ride –