Blacksmith Fork Canyon Utah

Paradise, Powerplant, Providence

Covering all the Ps this morning. I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold lately and was worried about freezing. Turns out it was a perfect temperature. I need to learn that Apple Weather is filled with lies. When the sun is out it is plenty warm even if my phone tells me the temperature is in the 50s. I ran into an invisible

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Shadow of a bike against a green field

Running out the meter

Sometimes it is about the numbers. I was so close to 50 miles as I got closer to home that I couldn’t help but throw on a few miles. The problem is that all the roads are torn up or covered in mud because they were recently torn up. After dodging the junk I scored an extra mile and crossed the 50 barrier. Then I

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My shadow on the asphalt

Riding after Covid is such a drag

I’ve been recovering this last week which means sleeping and generally living in a foggy haze. Fresh air and a nice slow ride helped to clear my brain a bit. Still, only a bit since this virus leaves you feeling unable to push hard. For the next few days I imagine I’ll be lollygagging along the highways. The ride – Paradise The bike – Time

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