Blacksmith Fork Canyon Utah

Paradise, Powerplant, Providence

Covering all the Ps this morning. I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold lately and was worried about freezing. Turns out it was a perfect temperature. I need to learn that Apple Weather is filled with lies. When the sun is out it is plenty warm even if my phone tells me the temperature is in the 50s. I ran into an invisible

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the road to Paradise

Purple Haze

It’s way to early in the riding season to have smoke filled skies. I’ve heard it’s because our friends to the north in Canada are lighting up some serious grass. This is of course just a rumor. I couldn’t bring myself to hit the trainer. Riding outside is too much of a serious (natural) high. The ride – Paradise The bike – Trek Madone 6.9

The road between Hyrum and Paradise

I went outside

Spring has arrived. It’s not raining. My bike is wonky and won’t shift when I ask but does randomly shift at the most inopportune moments. The randomness adds a little spice to the ride. Utah received plenty of snow and the spring run off is flowing fast and furious. After spending the winter riding with my own stench in the basement, the smells of the

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Dam to dam and all the pretty ponies in between

According a calendar my wife has yesterday was ride the wind day. That must mean today was fight the wind day. I and my legs prefer ride the wind day. We were severely punished for missing it. Nothing is more disheartening than pushing 300 watts and going 10 MPH. Instead, we gave up and pushed 150 watts and went 9MPH. The ponies made The ride

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Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Utah. Blue skies with open road leading into the mountains.

May your journey ever be sunshine and open road

Kind of a weak ride this morning. My legs were not up for a constant push. However, the more chill pace gave me a chance to breath in the morning air and absorb the beauty of this place I call home. Summer mornings last only a few months. I have to spend every possible moment living in them while I can. The ride – Paradise

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BlackSmithFork Canyon road

Wind, Sun and the Hum of Asphalt

Right at lunch the sun shone bright, the air was mostly still and for the first time this year I found myself haunting the country and canyon roads of Cache County. There’s something significant about the first ride after a long winter. Sure, I’ve been out in the snow on the fat bike and I love snow biking. Though I’ve been blessed with many first

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Blacksmith Fork Canyon at the top looking west. A long road with mountains rising on both sides.

Seeking Solitude

This is a crank rant. Read at your own peril. <crank> Some days I hate people. Not anyone person, just all people. The thought of interacting with another human is exhausting. I don’t want to listen to anyone’s demands. I don’t want a to do list. I don’t really care to hear anymore about why I’m not the perfect or even decent human in your

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Blacksmith Fork Canyon above the dam. Asphalt road stretching deeper into the canyon with water on the right, blue skies and mountains rising on both sides

What a Place!

Praying as I pedal that this not be the path on which I pass I am particular about picking a path vacant of the petroleum powered population conveyors that power people from point to point out here in Paradise. I pass ponies and pastures. A phone call, Shimano will warranty my cassette but the parts cannot arrive by parcel until July is past and August

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Recovering From Old Age

I usually wake up to the first rays of the morning sun breaking over the mountains to the East. It’s a pleasant way to start the day. This morning I was awoken by a burning sensation under my right shoulder blade and a numb hand. Mountain biking, body is fine. Paddleboarding I’m fine. Apparently sleeping through the night is my biggest physical challenge. I took

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