Cows destroying Providence Canyon trails

Bovine bulldozers doing their worst

Today was a crappy ride on this first day of summer – literally. Spent quite a bit of post ride time cleaning excrement off my bike and body. It was gross. The livestock have plowed up most of the upper loop and have done a fine job destroying trail, creek and vegetation. By rights they have every legal reason to be there but it just

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Creek next to Providence Canyon Trail

The beller of bovines means a storm of cow crap is coming

Froze my toes into a lasting numbness with all the creek crossings. In spite of frozen phalanges it was a perfect day to ride through the lush green growth only present this time of the year. On the way down the cows were making their way up the road. I’m hoping they continue way up into the canyon but I suspect my next ride will

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Providence Canyon trail springtime with green trees.

Every put bike shorts on backwards? Ya, me either. #ackwardmomentsincycling

As I prepared to ride there was something clearly wrong with my situation. Someday you too will be old. I thought mountain biking would be a chance to rest and take a break. The trail would probably still have snow and I wouldn’t go that far. I was wrong about the shorts and about the trail. The snow was gone, the day was beautiful and

Continue readingEvery put bike shorts on backwards? Ya, me either. #ackwardmomentsincycling

Mid Mountain Trail Park City, Utah

Lost the trail, lost the Garmin, lost my mind. I’m a loser.

Had a great day riding Park City with Joel. Luckily for me he is patient. It’s been many years since my tires have made a mark in that dust. That was clear by how many times I picked the wrong trail and had to double back often uphill. I then lost my Garmin. At first I was excited because I’ve been thinking I need a

Continue readingLost the trail, lost the Garmin, lost my mind. I’m a loser.