Ibis Ripmo in the fallen leaves

Kissed By The Sky

The skies kissed the mountains with a bit of rain over the weekend leaving the trails in perfect, sticky shape. With the mud gone but the moondust packed into smooth trails I and Ripmo set off for a wonderful morning together. Focusing less on handling and the details of a new bike I let the Ripmo take the big hits and we managed to dance

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Morning sun peaking through the trees in Providence Canyon

Sneaking Out

We’re headed to the Tetons today. When leaving town I frequently am required to skip the daily ride because something about not helping with packing and getting ready. I went to bed resigned to that fate. Then before the sun awoke my eyes opened. The Ripmo was restless. Worried that my garage could not contain its energy I could ignore the beast no longer. Slipping

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Going Out for a Smoke

After a late Friday night of binging on s’mores I was sure my body would want to sleep in. Instead, I woke up drawn to an early morning ride on the Ripmo. The orange light of the early morning sun a sign of smoke filled skies telling me somewhere the West is on fire. The rising sun beautiful in the east distracted my mind from

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Horse Flies Are From Hell

Cloud cover and morning AC blasting my body was fooled into believing that the morning Utah air would be cool and perfect for a ride. Instead the clouds withholding even the slightest drop of moisture instead populated the air with stifling humidity. I climbed through rock and dust roasted dry by drought and mountain sun all the while dripping as if I had just emerged

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Direction arrows made from rocks at the Fork on Providence Canyon

Just me and Pavarotti

I used to ride without music. Then I rode with ear buds. Then I started scaring hikers and runners because I couldn’t hear them and since they usually have ear buds they couldn’t hear me. Even when the hiker/runner doesn’t have earbuds, mountain bikes are remarkably quiet. On a lower traffic trail it’s easy to slip into Zen mode. The noise of the world fades

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The Demonic Stones Rise From Their Dusty Hell

Riding the Ripmo is like taming a wild pony. It comes with a set of opinions, secrets and approach to navigating the mountains. It is the job of the new rider to discover these secrets. I’m gradually unlocking the bikes capabilities one level at a time. I still find myself breaking out of the perfect flow from time to time, surprised at the bike’s handling

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New Ibis Ripmo Redux

It’s July 5th. After a night of celebrating our freedom to BBQ and blowing stuff up it rained. In Utah a bit of light late night rain means get on the trail as fast as possible before the sun bakes the dirt back into moon dust. I want to give the Ripmo another chance. This time I’m expecting the heavy front end and I deal

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