Bridge in Providence Canyon

Determined to Ride Providence Canyon

With brand new Maxxis Assegai tires on the Ripmo I was stoked to get out and try my luck on the dusty, rocky trails that define mountain biking in Utah this time of year. I made it all the way to the trailhead, reached down to take a drink and realized I had left my water home. I debated testing my body to see how

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Spring Creek in Providence Canyon

Holy Brain Buckets of Sweat it’s Hot!

I left the house at 8am. I blame Stranger Things. They need something at the beginning to warn you that demons will be chasing kids for the next 2 hours and you might not get to bed until 2 am. It was already hot. It got hotter. I was tired. I was sweaty. I hurt from the bruises that still litter my body. I did

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top of Providence Canyon trail

Holy Horse Biscuits it’s Hot

Had morning meetings so I couldn’t get out in the wee hours of the morning. I paid for the delay with copious quantities of sweat. The Ripmo doesn’t like being covered in perspiration and still needs a bath. Being book ended by another meeting I was only able to ride two suffer circles which makes me feel like a bailed too soon, but also my

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